We believe jewelry can be more than an accessory.

It can be a powerful tool for rewiring your brain and transforming your life. Now we understand the idea of 'rewiring your brain with jewelry' might sound unconventional. But hey, that's what makes Worthy Wands special! We're here for those who are ready to embrace a different approach to self-improvement.

We fearlessly seized control of a concept society unfairly dismisses – self-worth – and transformed it into a triumphant celebration. We believe we are unequivocally WORTHY and surpassingly ENOUGH, and we've ingeniously crafted a method, through the power of intention and meaningful adornment, to firmly anchor this truth within you.

My Path to Self-Love

I spent years battling the darkness of low self-worth. It felt like a cruel irony - my very name meant "worthy of love," yet my past experiences left me feeling anything but.

Then, a pivotal moment arrived during a healing session. I reconnected with a neglected part of myself my inner child. This little girl, brimming with potential but starved of self-love, needed rescuing. She craved the same love I showered on everyone else. It was a powerful wake-up call.

The Seed Got Planted

It was like a vivid dream. She was telling me how she felt that she was drowning because I left her alone and made everyone else more important than her.

I abandoned her.

When I asked her what she needed, she said: for you to learn to love yourself, trust yourself. When you heal yourself, everything will change. Save yourself before to attempt to save another, otherwise you will both drown.

Me: How do I do that?

Her: Just like a boat has an anchor that they use to anchor themselves so they don't get lost. Anchor yourself. Find your own true north. Find Yourself.

Me: I don't have an anchor.

Her: Create one.

I Created The First Prototype For Me

I stamped Worthy on one side and Enough on the other. As the words laid across my chest, I not only had a reminder that I could see, but I also had something to touch to anchor it in.

Over time, I remember noticing as I looked at myself in the mirror that my shoulders had dropped, and I was standing taller, and I actually started to love the woman staring back at me. I was proud of her.

As those words continued seeping into my cells like lotion to dry skin, the game was finally changed for me. Little did I know at the time that there was a scientific reason why this was working.

I went down the personal development rabbit hole, got my certification in NLP, started studying neuroscience, epigenetics and suddenly everything started to make sense. 

Our brain learns by repetition, it’s how new neural pathways are created in our brains, and our cells are always listening. All 50 trillion of them!

The way I would speak to myself about myself was shameful. When I learned that disease is created in the mind long before it manifests in the body, I knew it was time to evict the inner critic.

Worthy Wands are more than just accessories, they're functional tools that fundamentally change the way in which we see ourselves, which changes the inner conversation.

Here's the science behind it: When you see and touch the positive affirmations engraved on your Worthy Wand, it triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter in your brain. Over time, this association strengthens the positive self-beliefs you're cultivating.

But It Was Really Science

As creators, we often become our own first clients because we create what we wish existed. This is more than my story; it's an invitation.

Every dollar that comes into the Worthy Wands brand is a human saying,"I choose me." They're saying, "I love myself. I believe in myself. I am betting on myself. I am worth it." They're saying, "I am working on myself." They're saying, "I am working on my relationships, on my self-worth, my self-love, my self-confidence." They are saying: "I worthy. I am enough." And they're saying it with their hard-earned money!

And every time someone loves themselves enough to buy from us, they are not only changing their lives, but they are also impacting the lives of others around them by teaching them how important self-love is!

How Worthy Wands Work

Little did I know at the time that there was scientific reasoning behind this transformation. I delved into personal development, pursued NLP certification, and began studying neuroscience and epigenetics. It all started to make sense.

Our brains learn through repetition, forming new neural pathways, and our cells are always listening. I had been so unkind to myself in my inner dialogue, but when I realized that diseases manifest in the mind before the body, I knew it was time to silence the inner critic, you too?

How Our Jewelry Is Impacting People.

Each time someone embraces self-love, they set off a chain reaction of positivity, impacting not only their own life but also influencing those around them. I firmly believe that every individual on this planet deserves to experience love and recognition. I'm deeply honored to play a part in a movement towards a world where everyone understands their intrinsic worth.

Worthy Wands

Inspiring Worthy Men Inside the Prison System

We had the privilege to spread our message inside the prison system in 2022.

"We never take them off because it's a reminder and a promise to our souls. It's a poetic expression—a conversation starter that says, look at me and look at how I stand out in a world full of sameness. It's existential jewelry. It's authentic jewelry. And when you're wearing something so special and so meaningful, it's like a question that answers itself. Forgetting my worth put me behind bars. Remembering it is where my story changed."

Join the Worthy Wands Community:

Whether you're struggling with self-doubt, boundaries, or negative inner chatter, I'm here to support you. We'll build a community where vulnerability is celebrated, practical tips are shared, and self-love becomes a daily practice.

More on Amanda

As an advocate for self-love, Amanda is dedicated to sharing insights and empowering content. Connect here to learn more about her workshops, programs where we delve into the transformative power of self-worth.